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Home > Rich vs Poor

Redit ran a list of what counts as Rich vs Poor in the USA. I expanded it a bit. Poor? Or just less-well-off. I contend you must leave the U.S. to find poor people. "I cried because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet"

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U.S.A. Rich U.S.A Poor Venezuelan/Cuban Socialist Rich Third World Rich Actually Poor Mega-Rich
You order pizza because you want it. Not because it's $2. You feed the kids fast-food because it's quick & cheap. You get meat on Thursday – sometimes. You have Flour, tomatoes & cheese; all at the same time. Most days you get less than 1,200 calories. Your chef puts truffles on the pizza.
You top-off your gas tank up aka "filing it up all the way rich." You add just enough gas to get where you are going. Gas is 25 cents a gallon but there is none. You have a bicycle. If you had a bicycle you would sell it for food. You chauffeur keeps all the cars full.
Your vacations aren't just visiting family. You visit grandma or Auntie because your folks need a rest. No one works because they have to stand in line. You have days where you can rest. You have never had a vacation or day of rest – survival. Vacations are always some place exotic.
You hire movers. You borrow your uncles truck. You cannot move without permission. You own more than you can carry. What you own is on your back. You hire packer/movers & specially art movers.
You buy things without debating how badly you need it. You sweat over every purchase (buy this or food). You see a line, get in it & take what ever they have. You can trade it later. You have extra things to barter with. You are all you have to barter. You never look at the price of anything.
You go to a psychologist for mental health. You self-medicate with alcohol or drugs. You are unhappy? They re-educate you with a cattle prod. You are not scared 24/7. You are beyond scared, death is a common event. You go to a psychiatrist to get drugs for mental health.
You wear designer shirts/jeans/shoes to do yard work. Your work clothes are your clothes. Your clothes must last 10 years. You have shoes. You bind rags to your feet. You own nothing but designer shirts/jeans/shoes and never to do yard work.
Your fridge has a water dispenser. Your fridge works – most of the time. No point. There is never anything extra to put in it. You have potable water most of the time. Stagnant water is all you have. You drink only bottled water.
Your Doctor/Dentist visits aren't just emergencies. Your family Doctor is the ER. Healthcare is spectacular & free. If you get to the top of the que before you die. There are doctors. Death is the healer. Your Doctor/Dentist visits are for touch ups (Botox,nips/tucks).
You have nice teeth. You have basic fillings. Stainless Steel – it lasts. Your teeth are mostly there and still work. You pull teeth is they are bad. You have nice teeth and paid for them.
You do not panic if your car breaks down. You ride the bus or walk anyway. If you have a car, it is patched together from ancient parts. You know someone who owns a car. You panic if you sprain your ankle. You do not panic you have four more at home.
You do not know EXACTLY how much money you have. You know exactly how much money you have ($-0-). Money is shit, Ration Coupons are what counts. You have any money at all. You have never has money. You have no idea how much money you have, your people take care of this.
Your parents buy you a car. Bonus if it's new. You got a car in your "Happy Meal". You may get to ride in a car. Your parents haven't considered selling you. A car is something the police/army have. Your parents buy you a sports car, vintage or exotic.
You get a new mattress every few years. Your mattress is slightly lumpy. The current wait for a mattress is 12+ years. You don't sleep on the floor. You sleep on the ground. You have no idea the maids take care of it.
You buying new furniture, not scrounging from relatives, thrift stores or garage sales. You "shop at the curb" for furniture on trash day. You make your own. Furniture is not a "peoples priority". You don't squat on the ground for meals. Dirt is your furniture. Your decorator buys designer furniture or "used" furniture aka priceless antiques.
You hire people to: cook, clean, mow or remove snow. You get hired to cook, clean, mow or remove snow. You only hire people if you are a Party leader. You know what a lawn is. You eat grass to quiet your stomach. You hire people to take care of your: Tennis Court, Pool, Orchids, Rare Plants.
You and everyone have their own room. You share a room. You wait 20 years to be "assigned" a larger apartment. Everyone has a room but it's the same one. Occasionally you do not sleep outdoors. You and everyone have their own room in each/all of your houses.
Your house has a living room, dinning room or den/family room. You house has more than one room. Your house has cement floors. You have a hut. You have no house. Your house has all these: formal dinning room, music room, library, game room, bar room, gym.
You order an appetizer and/or dessert at a restaurant. You order extra fries a McD. Only Party Leaders, Foreigners and Black Marketers can afford it. You know what a restaurant is. The concept of being served food seems ridiculous. You chose restaurants by the number of Michelin Stars. .
Your parents didn't€™t fight over money. You fight everybody over money. Nobody fights over money - it's worthless or there is none. Neither parent starved to death. Your parents starved to death. Your parents fight over money, but it's in the millions.
Your meals at month end do not depend on bill status. Everything at month end depends on bill status. Your meals depend on luck. Find the right line & they did not run out. Meals don't depend on how much it rained. Meals depend on your resourcefulness. Nothing depends on bill status.
You heat the house so you did not need a sweater. You heat the house – if the power is till on. You bundle up because the utilities are off most of the time. You have firewood. You sometimes crowd someones fire when it is cold. You heat all of your houses year-round so your pets do not get cold. .
Your house is big enough for stairs. Your house has stairs because its an apartment . If your house has stairs you share it with another family. There is a ladder you can use. . Your house is big enough for an elevator.
You can take something from the fridge without being yelled at. Your mom whups you because ate tomorrows dinner in the fridge. There is never anything in the fridge. Seriously, a fridge & electricity?? at the same time?. There is never extra food around. You yell at the staff when something you want is not in the fridge.
You have fresh fruit and vegetables all year round. You can't keep fruit from spoiling. You have fresh fruit/vegetables IF you steal them. You have fresh fruit/vegetables IF you pick them. In season you can steal them from a farmer. You have ripe fresh fruit and vegetables replaced daily.
You went to Summer camp, not church camp or youth authority camp. You have never been nature west of a numbered street. You go to camp every year to learn about this communist paradise. You camp all year round. Camping would be glorious. You went to All-inclusive resorts with your nanny.
You go to Sit-down Restaurants Bonus points for cloth napkins. You think eating inside at McD's is living high. Only Party Leaders, Foreigners and Black Marketers can afford or go. You have a stove. Most of you food is consumed raw or cold. You have no idea that restaurants have paper napkins.
You got presents that were not clothes or school supplies. You get socks, school paper or designer sneakers. Presents are meaningful; somebody did-without to give it to you. Someone gives you something they made. You make whatever you have/find into coverings. All of your presents come from stores with locations on Rodeo Drive.
You got new Clothes - not hand-me-downs or thrift store. Everything you wear was handed down from siblings or neighbor kids. If you have new clothes they are the wrong size as the commissar orders production. Mom sews something new before your one dress wears out. You get clothes from the recently dead or careless tourists. You got new the latest designer clothes every week.
You got Salon/Barber Shop haircuts - Not a kitchen special. You hair is cut in the kitchen. You go to "Kitchen-Cuts" Barber Shop (aka Mom w/ scissors) You know what a barber is. Your hair is long but no by choice. Your stylist comes to the house as do the mani/pedi folks.
You had a duvet. (or even know what one is). You have a blanket, but sometimes have to share. You salvage old cloth scraps to make blankets You have an animal skin or rags to keep you warm. You freeze. You had a duvet filled with Siberian Goose down (but don't even know what that is).
You have food delivered. If the car works we do drive through. You can get nothing without waiting in line. Your Fast Food: chase it, kill it, cook it, eat it. Fast food is running after stealing bread. You have food delivered by the butler from the chef downstairs in your kitchen.
You never wake-up Hungry. Except when dieting. You sometimes wake-up hungry. You always wake up hungry. You wake up. You always wake up hungry. You have never been hungry.
You fly first class. You have seen airplanes. Only Military, Party Members & Black Marketers. You walk everywhere. You see them overhead. You have your own aircraft (plural).
You have been to another country. You have been to another State. You cannot leave the country. No one would come back. You have been to the next village. Your world is your village. You travel internationally often, sometimes just to shop.
You own a purebred dog. You "adopted" a stray pit bull. Protein, but let's not go there. You don't eat you dog. You want to get a dog for food. Your have a kennel of purebred dogs but don't show them.
You ride horses occasionally. You bet the horses at a local bookies. Protein, but let's not go there. You have seen a horse. Horses are good, it can feed the village for a week. You have a stable, horse trainers and racing colors.
Your house is air-conditioned. You can open a window. Your window is broken, so it is always open. You own a hand fan. The weather is the weather, live with it. All your houses are air conditioned but you move for better weather.
You gamble in Las Vegas for thrills. You play the numbers in your neighborhood. Speaking is gambling; you might get reported to the authorities. You cross the alligator infested river for thrills. You get thrills from just staying alive. You gamble in Monte Carlo or Baden-Baden "to be seen".
You have a personal trainer. You exercise so you can be a "baller". "Personal trainers" make sure you follow the Party Line" "or else". You are fit just surviving. Survival is your trainer. You have a personal gym, trainer, yogi and masseuse.


Quote of the Day

Todays Churchill Thought

I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else.



The electric chair was invented by a dentist.